Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Decision-Making
At a crossroads, confused about which direction to take? Let Lord Krishna help you…
Being in doubt is a common phenomenon, more often than not, it’s an everyday experience. We constantly question ourselves even in small simple acts…
We play out these mini wars in our mind, and think of worst-case scenarios — What if I don’t attend her party, she may get offended and not talk to me again… What if I speak up, and say the truth in an office meeting, will it go against me in my appraisals… What if I try to tell my child what to do, he/she may just rebel and do something even worse.
Several hundreds of years ago, in a sacred text called Mahabharata, the Pandava warrior Arjuna was in a similar dilemma. But his issues were much graver… He was at war with his cousins and uncles, the Kauravas, on the battlefield in Kurukshetra.
And, just before the war began, Arjuna was paralysed into inaction. Arjuna questioned the futility of killing his relatives… He wondered what good was victory if half his people would be dead at the end of it.
That’s when Lord Krishna, his friend and philosopher, intervened and gave him wisdom that steered him to action. Lord Krishna’s teachings to Arjuna highlighted, that all wars first exist in the mind. Thus, winning in the mind is the first step to winning on the battlefield, and in real life.
The 700+ verses that Krishna taught Arjuna on the battlefield were later compiled into the Bhagavad Gita, a text that continues to be looked upon as the “manual of life”. The Bhagavad Gita is today used by many organisations for better management and even included in the syllabus of some business schools.
Here are some excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita, and how you can use them to resolve your own uncertainties, doubts, fears and confusions.
Think with a calm mind
Lord Krishna said:
Undoubtedly, O Arjuna, the mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by any constant vigorous spiritual practice — such as meditation — with perseverance, and by detachment, O Arjuna. (6.35)
The first step to gaining clarity on any situation is developing a clear, calm and collected mind. This takes a lot of effort. One way is meditation, another is by distancing yourself from the situation — not physically but mentally — where you look at it as an outsider and have a bird’s eye view of it.
For example, in the movie Vantage Point, the protagonist replays the same series of events of the crime in his mind, till he finally decodes the mystery. By distancing himself from the scene, he was no longer worried about his own life, and could think objectively.
Give up on results
These are the most oft-repeated words of the Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as nishkam karma — doing action without expecting reward:
You have control over doing your respective duty only, but no control or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be your motive, and you should never be inactive. (2.47)
Most of our decisions get affected because we worry about their outcomes and consequences. But when you realize that you have little control over the final outcome, and don’t focus on the gains, your efforts will be filled with more meaning. What’s more, you will look at every gain as a bonus, and appreciate the rewards even more.
Treat everyone equally
A person is considered superior who is impartial towards companions, friends, enemies, neutrals, arbiters, haters, relatives, saints, and sinners. (6.09)
People make up our lives, and it’s difficult not to get influenced by them, or by our equations with them. But that’s exactly what Lord Krishna says — Treat everyone with the same lens of impartiality…
For instance, a son shouldn’t take on his father’s business by virtue of being his son, but, because he is an able and competent worker. Likewise, just because someone has picked a fight with you, don’t write them off for good — the event isn’t the person.
Don’t give in to stress
In a world full of busyness and activity, with people snapping at each other, with road rage and intolerance, these words by Lord Krishna ring truer than ever:
The one by whom others are not agitated and who is not agitated by others, who is free from joy, envy, fear, and anxiety, is also dear to Me. (12.15)
Rid yourself of excessive worry, don’t take on more than you can cope with, and add enough me-time to your day to de-stress... Take a walk by the sea, or wander through the woods… Spending time with nature is a good way to rid away the tensions of your day.
Be ready for change
Arjuna, when inertia is predominant; ignorance, inactivity, carelessness, and delusion arise. (14.13)
Adding change and excitement to your activities gives them a boost… So, when you feel yourself slipping into lethargy, or a state of inertia, stir yourself up, change direction, and give yourself a new challenge.
I remember when I taught in a school, we’d often rearrange the way the children sat in class… We’d make them get up, move the tables around, and sit in a new place. This kept them alert, and also helped them make more friends.
Similarly, if you get stuck in one way of thinking, you’re unlikely to come up with good solutions; be open to new views of learning and doing things.
Act with conviction
Whatever is done without faith — whether it is sacrifice, charity, austerity, or any other act — is useless. It has no value here or hereafter, O Arjuna. (17.28)
There’s a common story about villagers who had come out of their homes to pray for the much-awaited rain. Amid all these people, there was one small boy who had carried an umbrella. This little boy had true “faith”…
Setting out to do anything is an action, but being ready for it is faith. Before you undertake any action, think about how strongly you believe in it. If you don’t need to justify it in anyway, or draw on any extra reserves for it, then it’s an act of conviction, and the right decision for you.
Set high standards
Because whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard they set up, the world follows. (3.21) .
Once you’ve decided on your course of action, set your own standards of excellence, benchmark your own success, and then create newer highs.
The greatest achievers keep pushing themselves to gain greater levels of mastery. They compete with only themselves, and continue learning in all areas of their lives. They meet with success and failure but continue to grow… Their journeys too, continue to inspire us, and give light to our lives.
Thus the knowledge that is more secret than the secret has been explained to you by Me. After fully reflecting on this, do as you wish. (18.63)…
Could Lord Krishna have put it any better?
If you’ve missed the other blogs in the Lord Krishna series, here are the links to click on:
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Health
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Control over the Mind
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings to Add Light to Your Life
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Relationships
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Control Over the Senses
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings to Face Challenges Better
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings to Cope with Grief Better
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Greater Peace
- Lord Krishna’s Teachings to Know the Self Better
And, if you liked the post, do applaud, share, or follow me for more!
*The article was first published on Common Sense Living, a digital publication with new-age lifestyle and wealth-building ideas.