My Love Affair with the Blank Page
In my writing career, I’ve written on just about everything there is to write on— business, art, architecture, fashion, education, entrepreneurship, people, places, my own thoughts…
I haven’t written a complete book, but that’s next on my list.
I’m no authority on writing. But I know what it does to me…
It’s more than money in my bank; it’s food for my soul!
I’m so hooked to writing, a few days without it, and I get withdrawal symptoms.
For some, the blank page is scary… For me, it’s a challenge.
It’s a place to give birth to a new thought and convey it in a unique way.
It’s like I’m in a relationship with the page for those few hours — it possesses my mind, body, and soul.
I often wonder about writing and why it consumes me so. And I also wonder how I can share my enthusiasm for writing with others…
Over the years, I have done this through my blog publication, and now through workshops…
Perhaps, I will think of more ways to impart this knowledge in the future.
I’m sure many of you have a book or a blog in you too, but keep putting it off for some reason.
Take my word for it: Once you begin a relationship with the blank page, it can last a lifetime… The possibilities and opportunities are limitless.
If you are keen to enrich your life through writing, here are some tips on how to approach it…
1. Start with a message
The act of writing makes more sense to you and the reader when it has purpose. The purpose is your message.
The message could be anything — an insight, a story, a product, some tips on life and living… But whatever the purpose, make sure you are clear about it. When there’s clarity in your own mind, you will find clarity in your writing.
Your mind seeks the blank page for a reason… Understanding that is half the work done… The rest is merely style.
2. Always be authentic
This is true for any kind of writing — Whether you’re writing for yourself, a client, or reader, honesty with yourself and the reader is paramount. Any inaccuracy, distortion of thought, or manipulation of ideas, and the reader will figure it out.
Thus, if you started off saying one thing, and ended up writing something totally different, it’s probably because you stopped being authentic along the way.
The minute you stop being true to your thoughts and your message, your writing will become inauthentic, and you will compromise the pure relationship you set out to create.
3. Get the idea down
You don’t need to be a master of the language before you set out to be creative with it… The truth is you can never know a language completely. It’s always evolving and its scope is immense. To start writing, all you need is an idea, the tools of the language will then unfold.
However, this does not mean you can get away with incorrect grammar or spelling. It essentially means that you must first just get the message down, let it flow naturally, and thereafter add the stylistic elements, and enhance it for a better reader experience.
In writing too, form follows function…as form is merely the appearance. If your content does not connect with the reader, nothing else will come to your rescue.
4. Give it character
Once you have the message and content sorted, the next step is form. All writing evokes a certain character. This is called ‘style’ — the word choices, placement of ideas, sentence structure etc…
Your writing will naturally develop its own character… Not only because of the unique way in which you approach a topic, but because the subject matter itself will present various possibilities.
Don’t predetermine any endings or breaks in your writing... Let them emerge naturally. Let the process of writing assume a natural growth and evolution.
5. Add some style
This is what separates the best from the rest. It’s what makes you want to read every word certain authors write…
Your style sets your writing apart — The way you structure a piece, the value you offer the reader, and the ultimate effect it has, is the true test of good writing.
Style takes years to develop… It comes after much trial and error, and is a labour of love!
Like any relationship, you have to be dedicated and committed to writing… Your love for it has to be unconditional.
You will resist the blank page, quarrel over the words, and constantly find new flaws and mistakes… But, if you have faith in the medium, it can deeply enrich your life.
So, don’t hesitate to get to know the blank page… Sometimes, to know it is to know yourself!
The article was first published on Common Sense Living, a digital publication with new-age lifestyle and wealth-building ideas.
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