Hi Mladen Panov,
Thanks for reading and liking the post.
I think the idea is not so much about the money, but the ability to have flexibility in both thought and action.
Employees don’t want to feel bound to a desk, a role, or a fixed salary anymore… They want the freedom to experiment and develop their true potential.
I honestly don’t know the formula to that, and I don’t know which companies do that successfully… But I’m sure some research online will help you find the answers.
I’ve moved out of the workforce two years ago, and have become a solopreneur since… What keeps me going is the fact that I have control over my working hours and choice of projects.
Perhaps if we could replicate the solopreneur model where employees can choose the number of hours they wish to work, or the projects they work on, and give them an equal stake in it, you may foster more engagement and commitment from their end.
I don’t know if I’ve answered your question successfully, but do let me know if I can help with anything else.
Thanks once again!