Dear Thought Leaders, Please Don’t Become Brand Ambassadors!
A sincere appeal to all thought leaders across social media platforms…
We follow you for how you think, what you create, and why you do what you do…
We are not interested in your reviews of restaurants, products, or even social networking sites that favour you.
If your word has any weight, it is because it is unbiased, straight from the heart, and adds value to our perspectives.
When you talk about products or services, you begin to sound like any model or actor merely selling a commodity.
It may be your revenue stream, but it dilutes your thought, and ultimately lowers your credibility.
A thought leader goes against the grain…
He/she puts their neck out, and makes bold new statements, so as to educate and nurture tomorrow’s leaders.
When you succumb to quick revenue generating streams, you undermine the very purpose of thought leadership — akin to the noble act of teaching…
To be able to freely share your experiences and thoughts, is all you need to build your following, and ensure your voice lives on long after you.
No one is going to remember you for the products you endorse…
They will remember you for the integrity with which you spread the word — ‘your’ word.
Let your business make the money…
And, it definitely will, if people have faith in your vision and belief system…
Remember that you are the only brand in thought leadership, and no one or nothing else should take the spotlight away from you.
So sharpen your thought, and hold your head high!
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